

The moment you accept the rented equipment, you are legally responsible for it. You are completely responsible for rented items until they are returned to our store and checked in by our personnel. We do offer damage waivers, please understand what this covers. Check with your insurance agent for coverage.

If you pay the damage waiver charge (DWC) as specified, subject to the limitations and exclusions below, Lessor agrees to modify the terms of this contract and relieve you of liability for accidental damage to the rented item(s) on this contract, and for loss due to fire, collision, windstorm, upset and riot. We exclude from this waiver, however, any loss or damage due to theft, roll-over, burglary, misuse or abuse, theft by conversion, intentional damage, mysterious disappearance or other loss due to your failure to care for the rented item(s) as a prudent man would his own property, such as proper lubrication. In addition, if the item(s) rented is a truck, you are not relieved of liability of accidental damage to the truck container (box) because of striking a stationary object. If any such loss tends to indicate a crime may have been committed, a further condition of this waiver is that you must file a report to the proper law enforcement authorities and furnish us with a copy. In addition, if you have insurance for the loss or damage, you shall exercise, and shall empower us to exercise, all your rights to obtain recovery under insurance, shall cooperate with Lessor to obtain recovery and all insurance proceeds shall be give or assigned to Lessor.

Appears in: Rental Policy